
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Boundaries of Art and Dance...

This is my favorite photo of me performing, to date. The piece was about a jealous mad woman punishing those who defied her. It was so much fun. That's me going crazy in the upper left hand corner.
I recently responded to an ad about forming a dance company that doesn't play into the stereotypes of what is expected from art and dance.
Upon first review, this sounds interesting as the "leader" of the company he is an experienced (and legitimate...I googled him) dancer, performer, teacher, and choreographer. After first contact I am both intrigued, yet disinterested. His idea is somewhat seductive, but is language exudes passionate pretentiousness (can you tell that I'm fond of alliteration). This gentleman has a clear understanding of his goal, yet no real idea of how to get there other than using a purely collaborative process.
How much should a first impression influence a decision? Should I ask more questions?
Maybe his idea will change the face of the local dance scene, and wouldn't that be fun to be a part of?


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