
Sunday, August 12, 2007


Today we had a visitor watch rehearsal. CAL (crazy artistic lady) invited the Passionate Pretentious Director to watch. I received my second impression, and it was no better than the first. We danced full out, nearly zero mistakes (no one's perfect), and he watched with his eyes closed 70% of the time. Well I guess that would be listening. The most interesting part was his physical appearance, yes he looked nice, however he did not carry himself as a former professional dancer, he looked like a normal business guy you'd see downtown. When he said his goodbye, he thanked us and then unconvincingly added that we looked "really good".

Already he's got two strikes: CAL is interested, and he's a bit condescending. I don't think I'll be pursuing another career turn with him.

I will say that having the added stress of visitors watching makes me dance harder, better, and practice my performance side as well as help me work through any performance anxiety.

See I can be positive...


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