
Friday, August 31, 2007

The Big Finish...

Well my time here is almost up and while I would love to stay and see more, I want to go home because I miss the snuggles and cuddles from The Unknown and the kitties. We have another show tonight, our last, it's supposed to be a social commentary on the war and 911 and the government. It's "envisioned" by JA (CAL's husband).

Tomorrow will be our last day in the city before we leave on for my possible last post here in Poland I give the Bathroom Situation and the Show...

The Bathroom Situation...

When we first arrived at our Communist Block room we were surprised at how old it all looked, but A and I decided to tough it out. The fist morning our shower broke (it wouldn't shut off), and after gesturing the problem to our desk attendant, they ran to fix it, but instead they broke it. We then had to turn the shower on and off with the valve by the hot water heater. Well after two days of that, the valve started to leak, leaving a giant puddle of water on the floor of our room. Finally four days into our stay, we have a working shower, a semi flushing toilet, no curtains, and bad lighting.

The Show...

Our first show here in Nowa Huta, Poland was our collaboration piece of Mozart's The Dissonant, and another piece by our accompanying company. It was the best performance we've had here and a good show for me to end on, no mistakes, no stress, just having fun on stage.

I'm sad that the show tonight will be my last experience dancing with everyone here. The dancers are great and we've bonded throughout our communist detention here in Nowa Huta, but it sucks that I have to end on such an unfortunate show. I really have a hard time with the subject matter, the production (producers), and the music (they use actual 911 calls and recordings of those falling to their deaths out of the towers).

For now that's the story...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

In the Wings...

Today was the first day that one of our rehearsal here has run smoothly. In fact that's the only thing here so far that seems to have run smoothly.

We started the day with the workshop class, and then went to the stage (the largest in Krakow), and ran a tech rehearsal. And now we get to rest before the show, followed by dinner and drinks in town.

So I must leave you with this short post until tomorrow, when I'll tell you about the performance, and our broken, fixed, broken, fixed, leaking, broken shower.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Crazy in Krakow...

Well after a memorable performance (only because of it's oddness) I had my first experience on the overnight train from Poznan to Krakow. Eight hours in a sleeper car later, we arrived hungry and tired to find out that we're not actually staying in Krakow, but in a "suburb" called Nowa Huta, that was a community created by the Communist party as way of integrating the upper class, with the working man. We're actually staying in the old dorms of the steel workers from the factories the government built. While our accommodations are far less impressive than Poznan, and the food is far worse, the whole situation seems to contradict what CAL has told us.

Here's the story...

"The Reception" was a crazy lady who came in our her day off to show us our rooms and give us the 50 cent tour. The previous day CAL had given me the role as the main contact person for the group, basically the one who handles all the logistics with this crazy woman because CAL isn't arriving until two days from now. La Loca (as I'll call her) takes me for the orientation and shows me all the rooms, gives me a schedule, and tells me I have to decide who gets to sleep where, right then (she obviously didn't want to be there very long). While I don't mind taking the lead, I definitely mind making decisions for people, we are all equals, and we should all get an equal say. La Loca did not agree, but I insisted as a group we all decide on sleeping arrangements. She already had an idea of who was going where, I think she just wanted it to look like we were choosing it for ourselves. I hate it when people play pretend like that. Anyway, after getting settled, she realizes that we're late on the schedule she set, and yells at me to get the group back on schedule. Come to find out, all our food is being bought by her, and that it comes from the center's cafeteria. Yes that's right...we get to eat polish cafeteria food for the next ain't gonna happen. The vegetarian options are so limited, I'm going to disappear.

After the confusion, and disappointment of our accommodations, we ventured into the center, Krakow. And we really did go into the center plaza. It's overwhelmingly large, and filled to capacity with interesting sights, and stuffed full of people. A group of Hip-Hop/Breakers performed in the center, it was so interesting to see something like that in this environment.

Later we all reconnected and gossiped and drank and complained and drank and ate and drank and took pictures and drank. That was the first time that both groups came together (without their directors) and had time to connect. Why didin't we do that before? We were out so late, we missed the tram, or it was late, or unreliable (I'm still not sure about what happened), anyway we taxied home to our Communist Block with a broken shower. But that's another story for another day.

Well my friends, the computer I'm using right now doesn't want to do you'll just have to wait for them.

Or you could just use wikipedia.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Observation and Positive Thinking...

While the only thing I've done since my last post is perform, I still have a need to rid myself of the negative and focus on the positive.


  • I was asked to perform in Poland.
  • I've never been to Europe, and I was able to dance in Europe.
  • I'm having fun onstage, and I'm enjoying my time with our companion company.
  • There has been minimal drama.
  • Surprisingly the only real drama queen has been CAL.
  • Next week I'm only obligated for 4 hours a day, so I get to be a tourist the rest of the time.

While I'm thinking positively, here are some observations about the city of Poznan.

  • There is no litter on the streets, they're all nearly spotless, yet there are no public trash bins on the sidewalk.
  • The vegetarian options aren't too bad, you just have to know where to go.
  • There is music everywhere. Yesterday, we heard American top 40 classics in all the shops followed by the Polish top 40 at a concert sound check across the street from our hotel, then at the cafe in the square we were treated to a wandering Polish Klezmer Mariachi ensemble.
  • Dance is everywhere, on the TV in the papers, and advertised on large billboards.
  • They eat ice cream at any hour. I've seen them eat it early in the morning to late at night.
  • While there are a lot of cars, there are a ton of pedestrians. And if you aren't paying attention, you just might get hit in the middle of the road.

Friday, August 24, 2007


We had our first performance last night with an unorganized four hour rehearsal prior (with only a small breakfast in my tummy). It was the first rehearsal where both companies worked together. Let's just say it was a tiring sweaty event.

The show went great, there were a few bumps...mostly buy us. The other company is very professional and would never admit to making mistakes. I think I'll adopt their way of thinking. The show went by so fast and we were lucky enough to have a full audience and a 2nd bow. The musicians played perfectly, and surprisingly they were all so young. Afterwards my roommate, A, and I went out for a late dinner (because we were both starving) and we found a pub with...PIZZA yeah. So we topped the night off with good pizza and a cold Polish beer. That pizza was the most satisfying thing I had eaten since breakfast on Tuesday. Thankfully I was thinking ahead and ordered a large so I'd have leftovers for today.

Now it's almost noon, and A and I have already been up and out to breakfast (fruit crepes, yum) and shopping.

I don't know how I'm going to get everything back into my suitcase...but I'll just worry about that next week.

Tonight is our last performance in Poznan, and then tomorrow we have the whole day free in the city before we take a night train to Krakow. I'm going to try and take a "Modern Jazz Underground" dance class tomorrow, as part of the festival. I hope I don't totally suck. Then hopefully tomorrow night we'll get to see the final performance of the festival danced by the host company.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I'm in Poland

Well we made it accross the Atlantic. All is well, we are staying in a lovely hotel in Poznan, and after everything opens at 10 (that's when things should open), my roomate and I are going to try and eat at a pancake house. Today is pretty packed. We have a five hour tech, dress, and clean things up rehearsal before our show tonight. We're performing for the IV Miedzynarodowy FestiwalTeatrow Tanca here in Poznan. We have two shows, and surprisingly a good chunk of free time here in the city. It's time to start shopping!!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

flighty...lighty...and not so tidy...

I've been running around all day, I was soooo busy and preoccupied that I forgot to eat. And now I'm almost done packing, arranging, and planning, I still feel under prepared. I guess it's because I'm entering the unexpected after I embark on the plane tomorrow afternoon. While I trust CAL to some degree, I'm not really convinced everything will be as smooth as she's planned.

Also, in my wake of packing, I've left The Unknown a bit of a mess.

I feel guilty for not being as domesticated as our kitties.

Hopefully this won't be my last post. (Thinking positively) I will encounter an Internet cafe and send you all a little love from Poland, maybe some pictures too.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Happy Reunion...

While another year has past for me, and I've spent my birthday day running errands. But not all was lost, because as I walked into my neighborhood coffee shop I ran into a friend and her baby whom I haven't seen since his ultrasound, then after I adventured downtown to buy travel insurance for Poland, I perused an art showing at PSU (where The Unknown has a piece on display for a silent auction) and found old friends that I haven't seen in months, possibly years. ( I know that last sentence was a run-on, but sometimes you have to let style win over punctuation.)

These coincidental meetings somehow turned my boring birthday into a pleasant afternoon.

My wonderful Mom, always handmakes me a birthday card. Here is this year's work of art.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Fin...The End...That's it...Done...


Tonight was the night that I reaffirmed my temporary status with the company. CAL did not take it very well, she was hoping I'd miss dancing (for her) and continue until the End of Days, but I can't. When CAL first proposed returning to the company, she only mentioned a commitment for Poland, and nothing else. I was very clear when making this decision that I was to participate up until, and through Poland, not a little after or even ever after. Yet despite this reaffirmation I still feel a pang of guilt for this decision and its timing, but I have to be true to me.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Today we had a visitor watch rehearsal. CAL (crazy artistic lady) invited the Passionate Pretentious Director to watch. I received my second impression, and it was no better than the first. We danced full out, nearly zero mistakes (no one's perfect), and he watched with his eyes closed 70% of the time. Well I guess that would be listening. The most interesting part was his physical appearance, yes he looked nice, however he did not carry himself as a former professional dancer, he looked like a normal business guy you'd see downtown. When he said his goodbye, he thanked us and then unconvincingly added that we looked "really good".

Already he's got two strikes: CAL is interested, and he's a bit condescending. I don't think I'll be pursuing another career turn with him.

I will say that having the added stress of visitors watching makes me dance harder, better, and practice my performance side as well as help me work through any performance anxiety.

See I can be positive...

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Boundaries of Art and Dance...

This is my favorite photo of me performing, to date. The piece was about a jealous mad woman punishing those who defied her. It was so much fun. That's me going crazy in the upper left hand corner.
I recently responded to an ad about forming a dance company that doesn't play into the stereotypes of what is expected from art and dance.
Upon first review, this sounds interesting as the "leader" of the company he is an experienced (and legitimate...I googled him) dancer, performer, teacher, and choreographer. After first contact I am both intrigued, yet disinterested. His idea is somewhat seductive, but is language exudes passionate pretentiousness (can you tell that I'm fond of alliteration). This gentleman has a clear understanding of his goal, yet no real idea of how to get there other than using a purely collaborative process.
How much should a first impression influence a decision? Should I ask more questions?
Maybe his idea will change the face of the local dance scene, and wouldn't that be fun to be a part of?

Friday, August 03, 2007

Stressed Out Suitcase

I'm a list person. I enjoy a good "To Do" list, I love a "Shopping" list. Recently I've created a "What to Pack for Poland" list, and there's just too much stuff. Three pages on a legal pad to be exact. I want to travel light, mostly because we won't have much assistance on the road, but between costumes, rehearsal clothes, and fun clothes, my list is overflowing with items. The other dancers and I have even discussed sharing some items on the road to make the load lighter, and I want to bring too many basic clothing items for the road. My suitcase is full, any suggestions for traveling light? Remember we don't really know what we're doing in our off time, we might be sightseeing, or meeting with local artists and/or politicians.